Article ID: 5
Last updated: 27 Dec, 2016
THERMOSTAT: This application uses a Honeywell VisionPro Thermostat to control a 2-stage heat, 1-stage cool Heat Pump.
SCHEDULE: The VisionPro thermostat is pre-configured as Programmable and has a default schedule with all temperatures set for 68 deg. Heat, 74 deg. Cool. However, the thermostat has the option to be Programmable or Non-Programmable. To change the Schedule Options:
WIRING: There are several important points to watch for on the wiring.
FAN SPEEDS: Fan speed selection on the air handler is very important since we are using an oversized blower.
HUMIDIFIER: The thermostat is pre-configured to control a Bypass Humidifier (if applicable).
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Article ID: 5
Last updated: 27 Dec, 2016
Revision: 8
Views: 136
Comments: 0
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3TON York POM HP.pdf (1.04 mb)
2-2.5TON York POM HP.pdf (1.04 mb)
3.5TON York POM HP.pdf (1.04 mb)
4TON York POM HP.pdf (1.04 mb)
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