Article ID: 489
Last updated: 22 Jan, 2018
York Heat Pump: YorkGuard VI Re: Aux Heat Stuck On ►The auxiliary heaters stick on and the customer reports overheating of the controlled space. The Yorkguard VI board controls Aux Heat operation through the W1-Out and W2-Out terminals. Balance Point If the outdoor ambient temperature is less than the Balance Point setting and above LTCO and a W input is received with a Y1 input, the control will energize the compressor contactor output based on the Y1 input and will energize the W1-Out immediately when the W input is received. When the W input is received, the control will start a fifteen-minute timer. If the call for Y1 + W is still present after the fifteen-minute timer expires, the control will then energize W2-Out along with W1-Out. LTCO If the outdoor ambient temperature is below the LTCO setting, the control will de-energize the compressor and energize W1-Out immediately when a Y1 input is received. W2-Out will act as 2nd stage heat and be energized on a call for W. Defrost The control will energize W1-Out 30 second prior to and during defrost operation. If W1-Out has been energized for 15 minutes W2-Out will be energized also. The W1-Out and W2-Out will remain energized (depending on the 15 minute timer) 180 seconds after the defrost cycle has been terminated.
CHECKOUT: 1. Check Thermostat
► Placing a jumper between "W" and "W1-OUT" or "W2-OUT" (at the air handler or heat pump) WILL CAUSE THE AUX HT TO STICK ON!
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Article ID: 489
Last updated: 22 Jan, 2018
Revision: 6
Views: 95
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