
York TM9V Gas Furnace - Code 4

Article ID: 123
Last updated: 6 Apr, 2017

York Gas Furnace: TM9V 95% 2-Stage, Variable-Speed Gas Furnace

Re: Code 4

Code 4 - Limit Switch Fault

  • Limit Switch is Open (Soft Lockout - will reset when limit closes)
  • Opened 5 Times During a Run Cycle (Hard Lokout - auto reset in 1 Hr)
    • Roll-Out switches are wired in series with the Primary Limit control and should generate a Code 5, but be aware that a tripped Roll-Out could also generate a Code 4.
    • A Blown Fuse on the control board can also generate a Code 4.

Qty Possible Causes:
Blower Speed too Low
High Gas Pressure
Bad Limit
Dirty Air Filter
Clogged Evaporator Coil
Under-sized Ductwork


1. Check Temperature Rise

  • Start the furnace with a call for heat.
  • Ensure that the furnace is running at maximum output (W1 & W2 energized).
  • Check and record the return air temperature near the furnace (at the filter if possible) with the blower on.
  • Check the supply air temperature (in a straight duct run near the furnace) as the furnace operates.
  • Compare the actual temperature rise to the rated temperature rise on the furnace nameplate. (typically 40 - 70 deg.)
    • Temperature rise at or above maximum --> Step 2. Check Air Filter
    • Temperature rise below maximum --> Suspect Bad Limit

2. Check Air Filter

  • Remove air filter and recheck temperature rise.
    • Temperature rise drops into normal range = Clogged Air Filter
    • Temperature rise still too high --> Step 3. Check Gas Pressure

3. Check Gas Pressure

  • De-energize the call for heat and allow the furnace to cool.
  • Turn off power to the furnace and close the gas safety shut-off.
  • Hook-up a gas pressure gauge to the manifold (leaving) test port on the gas valve.
  • Open the gas safety shut-off valve and re-apply furnace power.
  • Activate a call for heat and monitor the manifold gas pressure when the gas valve opens.
    • Natural Gas = 2.5" w.c. minimum to 3.5" w.c. maximum
    • LP Gas = 9" w.c. minimum to 11" w.c. maximum
      • Pressure below maximum --> Step 4. Check Blower Speed
      • Pressure above maximum --> Adjust Gas Pressure & Re-check Temperature Rise

4. Check Blower Speed

  • This gas furnace utilizes a variable speed blower motor.
  • The blower speed is set with pin settings.
  • Refer to the installation instruction for proper fan speed adjustment.
  • If possible, increase the Heat blower speed and Re-Check Temperature Rise

5. Check Duct Static Pressure

  • Check the return static pressure (in the blower door if possible).
  • Check the supply static pressure (between the furnace and evaporator coil if possible).
    • High Duct Static = Above 0.5" w.c.
      • High Return Static + Low Supply Static = Restricted Return Ductwork
      • Low Return Static + High Supply Static = Clogged Coil or Restricted Supply Ductwork
        • Compare static on both sides of evaporator coil.
          • High Static Entering Coil + Low Static Leaving Coil = Clogged Coil



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Article ID: 123
Last updated: 6 Apr, 2017
Revision: 9
Access: Public
Views: 265
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