
Cooling - Low Suction Pressure

Article ID: 64
Last updated: 16 May, 2017


Re: Low Suction Pressure

A heat pump or air conditioner runs with a lower-than-normal suction pressure.


  • R-22 = 55 - 80 psig
  • R410a = 100 - 150 psig

Qty Possible Causes:
Low Refrigerant Charge
Bad Expansion Valve
Low/No Airflow
Cold Outdoor Air
Cold Return Air


Low Refrigerant Charge

  • Low pressure due to low refrigerant charge will be accompanied by a warm suction line and a high superheat (see "Checking Superheat"). If the suction pressure is low and superheat is low (cold suction line) DO NOT ADD REFRIGERANT.
  • If the suction pressure is low and the superheat is high try adding refrigerant. If the pressure does not come up and the superheat does not go down, suspect a bad metering device (below).

Bad Metering Device

  • A bad metering device will typically result in a low suction pressure and a high superheat.
  • If you have a low suction pressure and high superheat and suspect a bad metering device, try adding refrigerant to see if the suction pressure increases and the superheat decreases.
    • If pressures and temperatures improve, the metering device is functioning properly.
    • If the head pressure increases but the suction pressure stays the same or drops, the metering device is bad.

Low Airflow

  • Low pressure caused by low airflow will be accompanied by a low superheat.
    • Indoor airflow will affect the suction pressure in the cooling mode.
    • Outdoor airflow will affect the suction pressure in heating mode.

Cold Ambient Temperature

  • Cooling
    • In the cooling mode, running in outdoor temperatures below 55 degree without a "low ambient control' will cause symptoms very similar to low refrigerant.
    • The cold outside air will cause the head pressure to drop which, in-turn, causes the suction pressure to drop.
    • Try blocking part of the outdoor fan discharge to increase head pressure.
  • Heating
    • As the outdoor temperature drops, the suction pressure will also drop.

Cold Return Air Temperature (cooling)

  • The minimum return air temperature for cooling is around 64 deg.
  • The colder the return air temperature gets, the lower the suction pressure will go.
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Article ID: 64
Last updated: 16 May, 2017
Revision: 8
Access: Public
Views: 2830
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