
ERC - Cooling - Control Board Lockout

Article ID: 358
Last updated: 8 Feb, 2023

York Heat Pump: ERC

Re: Cooling - Control Board Lockout

The Time & Temperature Defrost Board on this heat pump will "Lockout" on a Hi-Pressure Switch trip.

Qty Possible Causes:
Bad Condenser Fan Motor
Bad Capacitor
1 Stuck Defrost Stat
Bad Pressure Switch
Refrigerant Overcharge


1. Reset & Check Operation

2. Check Condenser Motor

  • Check Capacitor
    • Turn off power to the unit by pulling the disconnect or turning the breaker off.
    • Test Capacitor
      • Less than 80% of rating = Bad Capacitor
  • Check Motor
    • Check motor bearings by spinning the fan blade.
      • Motor Won't Turn or Stiff = Bad Condenser Motor
    • Re-apply power to the unit.
    • When the compressor contactor energizes, check for 230V to the motor between "C" or "COM" at the capacitor and the Black motor wire.

3. Check Refrigerant Pressures

  • Hook-up refrigerant gauges to the pressure ports on the unit.
  • Monitor pressures as the system operates.
  • Normal Pressure Range

    Refrigerant 55-75 Deg O/D 75-95 Deg O/D
    • 55-70 Suction
    • 150-225 Discharge
    • 55-80 Suction
    • 175-270 Discharge
    • Pressure Switch Trips + Normal Pressures = Bad Pressure Switch.
    • Normal Pressures →Step 4. Check Defrost Stat
    • High Head Pressure ⇒ Check Sub-Cooling
      • Allow the unit to run for at least 10 minutes.
        • Pressure exceeds Normal Range in the first 5 minutes = Refrigerant Overcharge or Restriction
        • Sub-Cooling > 13 deg. + High Discharge + High Suction = Overcharged
        • Sub-Cooling > 13 deg. + High Discharge + Low Suction = Bad Expansion Valve
        • Sub-Cooling < 2 deg. + High Discharge = Low Outdoor Heat Transfer (Dirty Coil, Wrong Fan Blade, etc.)

4. Check Defrost Stat

  • At the defrost board, remove the two wires attached to the "Stat" terminals.
  • Check resistance through the defrost thermostat.
    • Stat Open = Ok
    • Stat Closed = Stuck Defrost Stat
      • Heat Pump will attempt to enter a defrost mode while cooling (stops outdoor fan & energizes heaters).

5. Check Pressure Switch

  • Disconnect the two wires from the defrost board "Switch" terminals.
  • Check resistance through the safeties.
    • Pressures Normal + Open Safety = Bad Pressure Switch
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Article ID: 358
Last updated: 8 Feb, 2023
Revision: 7
Access: Public
Views: 78
Comments: 0