
YHJF60 York Heat Pump Wiring Diagram

Article ID: 41
Last updated: 6 Jan, 2017

THERMOSTAT: This application uses a Honeywell VisionPro Thermostat to control a 3-stage heat, 2-stage cool Heat Pump with a Variable Speed Air Handler.

  • Cannot use a FocusPro 5000 thermostat
  • It is possible to upgrade to a Prestige Thermostat

SCHEDULE: The VisionPro thermostat is pre-configured as Programmable and has a default schedule with all temperatures set for 68 deg. Heat, 74 deg. Cool. However, the thermostat has the option to be Programmable or Non-Programmable.

To change the Schedule Options:

  • From the Home Screen press "MENU"
  • Scroll down to highlight and Select "Preferences"
  • Scroll down to highlight and Select "Scheduling Options"
    • Select Programmable or Non-Programmable

WIRING: The 5 ton YHJF is different from all other models because it uses a 2-Stage Scroll Compressor and has a Yorkguard VI control module instead of a standard Demand Defrost control.  Therefore, there are several important points to watch for on the wiring.

  1. The "Y" output from the thermostat connect to "Y1" at the air handler and "Y1" at the outdoor unit.
  2. The Condensate Overflow Switch must be wired as-shown to break the "Y1" signal to the outdoor unit.
    • When the Condensate Overflow Switch trips, the Yorkguard may generate a "Y2 Present without Y!" fault when the thermostat calls for 2nd stage cooling.
  3. The "Y2" output from the thermostat does not connect to the air handler control board. It wire-nuts at the air handler and ties to "Y2" at the outdoor unit.
  4. The "Y2 Out" output from the outdoor unit ties to "Y2" at the air handler (tells the air handler to run high speed).
    • Based on operating conditions, there may be times that the Yorkguard energizes 2nd stage compressor and hi speed indoor fan even though the thermostat is calling for 1st stage.
    • Based on operating conditions, there may be times that the Yorkguard runs 2nd stage compressor and low speed indoor fan.
  5. The "W" or "Aux" output from the thermostat does not connect to the air handler control board. It wire-nuts at the air handler and ties to "W" at the outdoor unit.
  6. The "W1 Out" output connects to "W1" at the air handler.
  7. The "W2 Out" output connects to "W2" at the air handler.

FAN SPEEDS: Fan speed selection on the air handler is done by setting dip switches on the air handler control board.

HUMIDIFIER: The thermostat is pre-configured to control a Bypass Humidifier (if applicable).

  • To control a humidifier from the thermostat, a field jumper must be installed between "Rc" and "U1" at the thermostat.
  • The humidity setpoint is accessed by selecting "Preferences" from the home screen, then "Humidity".
  • If no humidifier is present, the Humidifier Mode should be set to "Off"

IMPORTANT NOTE: The "HUM" terminal and "Humidistat" jumper on the air handler control board are not for Humidifier operation or control.  They are for control of De-Humidification and cause the blower speed to decrease in the cooling mode.

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Article ID: 41
Last updated: 6 Jan, 2017
Revision: 5
Access: Public
Views: 796
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