Article ID: 121
Last updated: 29 Aug, 2017
York Air Handler: MP, MX, MV, AHP, AHX, AVY Re: Disable Code 3 The control board in the air handler monitors the limit switch in the aux heaters. If the limit trips 3 times during a single heating cycle the board will go into a lockout and flash a code 3. This causes the fan to run continuous (even with thermostat off) and de-energizes the heating outputs.
To reset: Line or Low Voltage Power to the air handler control board must be cycled. AS A LAST RESORT it is possible to disable the board's limit monitoring without disrupting the limit shut-down of the heaters. Be sure to check all other low airflow possibilities before performing this operation! The BROWN wire on the 6-wire plug of the heater board provides limit monitoring. Cutting and splicing the BROWN wire with the RED wire as shown below keeps all limits in series without allowing a Code 3 on the board.
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Article ID: 121
Last updated: 29 Aug, 2017
Revision: 8
Views: 122
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