Article ID: 100
Last updated: 10 Nov, 2020
Re: Replacement Demand Defrost Control Board - S1-33101975102 INSTALLATION
DEFROST CURVE SELECTION When the control board is replaced the jumper MUST be placed in a numbered position. Select the proper jumper position.
If the jumper is missing or left in the P position, the replacement control will not energize the compressor. ► When the jumper position is changed, the control will not act upon the jumper changes until the thermostat calls are de-energized or power (24VAC) to the control is cycled. The control will display the active defrost curve using the X/L terminal when the heat pump is operating in a defrost cycle that has been forced using the TEST input. For instance, the X/L output will be energized with two flashes when defrost curve 2 is active. DEFROST COMPRESSOR DELAY When Defrost Jumper Position #2 is selected the compressor is shut down for 30 seconds entering and exiting defrost mode. The delay is present in a normal defrost but IS NOT present when the TEST pins are shorted to initiate a defrost cycle.
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Article ID: 100
Last updated: 10 Nov, 2020
Revision: 14
Views: 513
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