
Ultra 1 & 2 - Status & Fault Codes

Article ID: 54
Last updated: 30 Jan, 2017

Weil-Mclain Boilers: Ultra 

Re: Status & Fault Codes

The Ultra Series 1 & Series 2 boilers have a 4-digit display for monitoring operating status & fault codes.


After the display shows "Stby" for a brief period, the first character shows boiler status, followed by boiler outlet water temperature.

1st Digit Boiler Status
0 Standby - no call for heat
1 Pre-purge (10 sec) or Post-purge (15 sec)
2 Ignition
3 Burner on for space heating
4 Burner on for Domestic Hot Water
5 Checking airflow before pre-purge
6* Burner off because temperature setting has been reached
7 Pump off-delay after space heating cycle (10 sec)
8 Pump off-delay after DHW heating cycle (30 sec)
H Test mode - manual high-fire
L Test mode - manual low-fire

* First digit = 6 - Also shown if control module loses flame signal during run mode. 


If the burner is being held off due to a soft lockout, the display alternates between showing "9" followed by boiler outlet temperature and "b" followed by the 2-digit codes below.

* All soft lockouts will automatically reset once the condition returns to normal or has timed-out.

Code Description
_18 Outlet temperature too high (over 203 deg). Burner off until outlet water temperature drops 9 deg below target temperature.
_19 Return temperature too high (over 203 deg). Burner off until both outlet temperature and return temperature drop 9 deg below target temperature.
_24 Return temperature higher than outlet temperature. Burner off until corrected.
_25 Outlet temperature rose too quickly. Burner off 10 to 15 min.
_26 External limit open. Burner off for 150 sec.
_29 Blower signal not zero when it should be. Burner off until condition corrected.
_30 Temperature rise more than 58 deg. Burner off for 150 sec up to 22 min. (each failed cycle adds 1 min.)
_35 Shorted flue temperature sensor. Burner off until corrected.
_40 Open flue temperature sensor. Burner off until corrected.
_52 Flue temperature exceeded 216 deg but did not exceed 225 deg. (hard lockout at 225 deg.) Burner off for 150 sec.
_65 Waiting for blower to restart.


First digit = "E" - Hard Lockout. Boiler in hard lockout requires manual RESET.

Code Description
00 Flame detected on startup
02 Ignition failed after 5 tries
03 Internal control failure
04 Power lost after lockout
12 External limit open (wired in hard lockout circuit)
18 Outlet water temperature was higher than 210 deg.
19 Return water temperature was higher than 210 deg.
25 Temperature rise greater than 58 deg
28 No signal from blower
29 Blower signal not zero when it should be
31 Outlet temperature sensor shorted
32 Return temperature sensor shorted
36 Outlet temperature sensor open
37 Return temperature sensor open
44 Internal control failure
52 Flue temperature was higher than 225 deg.
60 Internal error reading parameters
61 Airflow circuit failure
65 not enough blower driving force


  • Press Mode button 2 times from Standby mode to enter Info mode.
  • Press Step to go to next parameter.
Param Description
1 Measured outlet water temperature
2 Measures return water temperature
3 Not used
4 Outside air temperature (if connected)
5 Flue temperature
6 Target outlet water temperature
7 Outlet water temperature rate of change (deg/sec)
8 Return water temperature rate of change (deg/sec)
9 Not used

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Article ID: 54
Last updated: 30 Jan, 2017
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 13561
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