
Oil Furnace - Test Procedure

Article ID: 216
Last updated: 27 Sep, 2021

Oil Furnaces

Re: Test Procedure / Checkout Steps

1. Check Oil Supply

  • If the furnace is running, turn the thermostat off and allow the furnace to cool.
  • Turn off power to the furnace.
  • Remove the oil supply line from the nozzle assembly.
  • Gently bend the supply line to be able to spray oil into a cup.
  • Place a jumper across the thermostat input to the controller.
  • Re-apply power to the furnace.
    • If the burner does not start, press the reset button on the primary control to reset.
  • Allow the furnace to pump oil into a cup for up to 5 seconds (stop by turning off power).
    • Oil stream should start immediately with the pump motor (except newer models with a delay solenoid valve).
    • Oil stream should be continuous and have adequate pressure.
    • Oil stream should be solid red (white foam indicates air).

2. Check Transformer & Electrodes

  • Turn off power to the furnace.
  • Un-hook power wires to the ignition transformer.
  • Hook-up a "Transformer Tester" to the transformer power wires.
  • Test the Transformer.
  • Remove the Electrode / Nozzle assembly from the burner.
  • Use a well-insulated pair of pliers to hold the Electrode / Nozzle assembly on the transformer.
  • Use a jumper wire to Ground the Electrode / Nozzle assembly.
  • Power the transformer with the "Transformer Tester".
  • Observe the electrodes for a proper spark pattern.

3. Clean Cad Cell

4. Check / Replace Nozzle

  • If the nozzle has not been replaced in the past year, it is best to go ahead and install a new nozzle.
  • Lift the ignition transformer to expose the electrode/nozzle assembly.
  • Remove the "keeper" ring from the electrode/nozzle assembly.
  • Note the adjustment position of the nozzle assembly.
  • Loosen the positioning screw if necessary.
  • Remove the electrode/nozzle assembly.
  • Replace the nozzle.
    • Be Aware! When you loosen the nozzle, oil will run out of the assembly.

5. Check Electrode Adjustment

  • Use the diagram to the right as a general rule-of-thumb.

6. Check Ignition/Burner

  • Re-install the the nozzle assembly in the furnace.
  • Lock the nozzle assemble back in the proper position.
  • Re-install the locking nut.
  • Re-attach the oil line to the nozzle assembly.
  • Allow the burner to fire normally.
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Article ID: 216
Last updated: 27 Sep, 2021
Revision: 13
Access: Public
Views: 102
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