
Sanyo - "E" Error Codes

Article ID: 141
Last updated: 16 Jan, 2017

Sanyo Variable Refrigerant Units

Re: "E" Fault Codes

Confirm Lockout Condition

  • Check LED1 & LED2 on the outdoor unit control board.
    • LED1 Flashes: 2=P Alarm, 3=H Alarm, 4=E Alarm, 5=F Alarm, 6=L Alarm
    • LED2 Flashes = Alarm No.
E01 Remote control detecting error from indoor unit, Address not set/Auto address failed. Check interconnecting wiring etc. Re-address system.
E02 Remote detecting error from indoor unit.
E03 Indoor unit detecting error from remote.
E04 Qty of i/d units connected are less than qty set. Check; all i/d units are ON, reset turn off all units wait 5min power up
E05 Indoor unit detecting error from outdoor unit, Error in sending comms signal
E06 Outdoor unit detecting error from indoor unit, Error in receiving comms signal
E07 Outdoor unit detecting error from indoor unit, Error in sending comms signal
E08 Incorrect setting indoor/controller, Indoor address duplicated
E09 Incorrect setting indoor/controller, Remote address duplicated or IR wireless controller not disabled
E10 Indoor unit detecting error from 'option' plug, Error in sending comms signal
E11 Indoor unit detecting error from 'option' plug, Error in receiving comms signal
E12 Auto addressing failed,Auto address connector CN100 shorted during auto addressing
E13 Indoor unit failed to send signal to remote controller
E14 Setting Failure, Duplication of master indoor units
E15 Auto addressing failed, Number of indoor units connected are less than number set
E16 Auto addressing failed, Number of indoor units connected are more than number set
E17 Group control wiring error, Main indoor unit not sending signal for sub indoor units
E18 Group control wiring error, Main indoor unit not receiving signal for sub indoor units
E20 Auto addressing failed, No indoor units connected
E24 Auto addressing failed, Error on sub outdoor unit
E25 Auto addressing failed, Error on outdoor unit address setting
E26 Auto addressing failed, Quantity of main and sub outdoor units do not correspond to the number set on main outdoor unit P.C.B.
E29 Auto addressing failed, Sub outdoor unit not receiving comms for main outdoor unit
E31 Between units, Comms failure with MDC, does E31 remain after power is re instated? If so replace PCB. & power
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Article ID: 141
Last updated: 16 Jan, 2017
Revision: 10
Access: Public
Views: 1631
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