
Thermostat Over Cools - Dehumidification

Article ID: 18
Last updated: 13 Feb, 2017

Honeywell Thermostat: TH8320R & TH8321R VisionPro


With a Honeywell VisionPro or Prestige thermostat, the most common reason for the thermostat to overcool is Dehumidification.

When either thermostat is configured to dehumidify, there is a setup option for "OVER COOL LIMIT" which can be set from 0 to 3 deg.

When the sensed humidity level is higher than the Dehumidify setting, the thermostat will over-run the cooling in an attempt to maintain humidity.

WHAT TO CHECK: If the space temperature is lower than the Cooling Setpoint and the A/C is still operating, check the Dehumidify Mode and setting to see if the thermostat is trying to dehumidify.

  • It may be necessary to raise the Dehumidify setting.
  • A normal Summer humidity setting is 55 - 65%.
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Article ID: 18
Last updated: 13 Feb, 2017
Revision: 4
Access: Public
Views: 438
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