
Humidity Control

Article ID: 11
Last updated: 6 Apr, 2017

Honeywell Thermostat: TH8320R & TH8321R VisionPro


The primary difference between the TH8320R and the TH8321R is humidity control.

  • The TH8321R has a built-in humidity sensor and two U1 terminals to control either Humidification or De-Humidification (one or the other) directly from the thermostat.
  • In order to control humidity with a TH8320R you must add the following REDLink accessories:
    • Wireless Indoor Sensor - which will provide a remote temperature and humidity reading.
    • Equipment Interface Module

► Before using the thermostat to control humidity, it must be configured for either Humidification or De-Humidification.



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Article ID: 11
Last updated: 6 Apr, 2017
Revision: 6
Access: Public
Views: 59
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